

?What equipment is required for sheet metal processing?


The equipment required for sheet metal processing is closely related to the sheet metal processing process, basically including laser cutting machines, shearing machines, CNC punching machines, general punching machines, sheet metal bending machines, riveting machines, wire drawing machines, and other equipment.


1. Laser cutting belongs to the cutting equipment, which can cut any shape of sheet metal, including straight, linear curves, holes, and complex geometric shapes.


2. The shearing machine belongs to the cutting equipment, which is basically a simple shape cutting.


3. Punching machines are widely used in electronics, communication, computers, household appliances, furniture, transportation vehicles, (automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles) hardware parts stamping and forming. The CNC punching machine is equipped with a program control system, which can be used for processing various types of metal sheet parts. It can automatically complete various complex hole types and shallow stretching forming processes at once.


4. A bending machine belongs to the forming equipment, such as laser or shearing, to perform three-dimensional forming of cut sheets.


5. Riveting machine is a type of riveting equipment that solves the problem of some sheet metal parts being bent and cannot be directly placed on ordinary slope type cast steel machinery for riveting.


6. Wire drawing machines include stainless steel polishing machines for large flat surface processing, as well as handheld wire drawing machines for restoring patterns and repairing scratches after welding irregular products. Each product has its own purpose and is equipped with different products according to different environmental requirements.

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