

Company Profile

Zhejiang Jisheng Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful environment and convenient transportation of China's Zhuxiang Huzhou Anji County Tianzi Lake Modern Industrial Park, the company covers an area of about 24,000 square meters, is a set of mold design and manufacture to precision die-casting, high-quality sheet metal R & D production and surface treatment of automatic spray line as one of the integrated manufacturing enterprises. To provide a one-stop service for shopping malls metal display appliances, auto parts, mining lamps, commercial lights, automobile and motorcycle accessories, communication equipment, power tools, home appliances die casting and other products。



Corporate vision

Based in China, to the world, focusing on high-quality exhibition, die-casting products R & D and manufacturing.


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plant and equipment

  • Automatic welding equipment

  • Automatic welding equipment

  • Automatic welding equipment

  • Automatic welding equipment

  • Die casting and finishing

  • Die casting and finishing


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